At dinner in Corinth with my GNO (Girls’ Night Out) group last week – you know who you are – part of the discussion centered around the looming inauguration day, and common labels starting popping into the conversation.
There are so many emotion-laden terms that we use, just around politics, for example…Liberal, Conservative, Feminist, Democrat, Republican, Independent… a maze of words that can just lead to lots of dead ends in understanding…
and I felt a rebellion rising from within…
*NO MORE LABELS!! To think that we can define our wondrous, complex selves within a word (or a few) is an incredible injustice to the beautiful, unique beings that we are, and in my mind, only serves to further separate us at a time when unity and celebrating our oneness in this universe would be much more helpful and productive.
It is no secret to those who know me that I did not vote for or support Donald Trump. That should not, however, pigeon-hole me into a single characteristic or box me into a category with a label, nor should it keep me from behaving in a civil manner, exercising my citizenship in the most positive way that I can. Just as plainly, it should not define those who do support him into a single-celled thinker either!
I will not engage in name-calling or labeling other people who have differing views, nor will I judge them or their behaviors (okay, at least I will try very hard not to).
* I discovered while blogging this that there is a group called “No More Labels” and although their site looks very interesting, I am not in any way associated with them
Here is what I am offering, then, toward the goal of good citizenship with a bit of my usual spiritual-based way of thinking.
Listen, listen, listen… quit forming your opinions and your retorts before the other person has even stopped (or started) speaking. Consider their words and their behaviors as a starting point from which to understand, and ask very sincerely and with an open mind, “What experiences have brought you to this conclusion? ”
You may gain some insights that you had not considered before, or you may just be strengthened in your own differing way of thinking, but at the very least, there was a non-contentious connection to another human being who is also a brother/sister in God.
And, by the the way, an open mind means that you have not already packed it with obstacles, negativity, and pre-drawn conclusions that prevent the other person’s views from having a place to go in your brain for consideration.
Introspect, inspect, respect, reflect! We are so quick to alienate, judge and condemn without truly listening, and for some reason feel that “our way” is the only right way, and that only people who think as we do are worth listening to.
Exploring the origin of those feelings (insecurity, previous unsavory personal experiences, ego out of balance, etc.) through honest introspection brings us to our center, back to balance IF we can be truthful and honest with ourselves. Although we were laughing at GNO about how much better off the world would be if we (I) were in charge, surely other people have insights, wisdom and skills that can enhance our lives. Taking time to inspect those other ways of thinking and respecting our fellow beings as divine sparks of our Creator are much more likely to produce peace and goodwill, and provide common ground from which to civilly, effectively and compassionately find solutions.
Be a mature and truthful role model for others, especially our children. Using labels is fraught with potential for misunderstandings. There are so many ways to interpret the many political, moralistic, racial and/or cultural labels that are in wide use. Further disruption in our balance occurs with fear-mongering and inciting anger through the use of social media, often behind the cowardly curtain of anonymity, for instant shock value and high, wide-spread impact. Choosing to communicate only through character-limited tweets, passing along non-verified blurbs of information (or even worse, knowing it is untrue and passing it on anyway) radically reduces our ability to converse meaningfully, to have eye contact, to reach out with maturity, reason and wisdom. Take time to verify information, to understand the source and the motivation behind it; let it settle in your soul for a while, and run it through your moral filter before you pass it on. Eliminate those easy-to-misunderstand labels, find out what the real person – another child of God, just like you – behind the label is thinking and feeling. REFUSE TO USE NAME CALLING AND HARSH, HATE-FILLED WORDS.