It has been over four months since I last blogged… an occasional blogger, indeed!
When I decided several years ago to start my own website and blog, LifeSavors, it was with an intent to be thoughtful, uplifting, life-infusing… a way to contribute to peaceful and happy vibrations in our world, and give a “voice venue” for others’ joys – a means to raise up the more divine and spiritual aspects of our collective consciousness. Admittedly, there is a bit of ego involved in blogging, AND YET I know that the inner voice in me still spoke to the altruistic nature I had intended with these offerings. So this year, I will be more consistent with that practice.
As many of us reflect on the year 2017 and resolve ahead to 2018 (re-solving? is that a “do-over” for past “solutions” that didn’t work??) I am listing some of my favorite life-savors, and I invite you to do the same – and even better, send them to me to post so that others may share your joys.
Theresa’s (partial) List of LifeSAVORS (in no particular order)
(Soul-Affirming Value Of Relished Simplicity
- actually finishing one blog (albeit probably under the influence of the post-op hydrocodone I took a few hours ago, which apparently, since it is 2am, has had the opposite effect from making me sleepy (obviously inspired, though!) instead of just drafting dozens of others still unpublished,
- breathing easily without coughing (I just had my third sinus surgery for the year -THANK YOU, Dr. Thomas, Dr. Frankel, and wonderful nurses!
- Maya (our beautiful Vizsla-mix rescue dog) correctly responding to a command instead of going her own way
- clipping fresh herbs from my little garden to cook with
- hearing my grandchildren laugh and play with abandon
- underlining a special quote or thought from my spiritual readings to ponder later
- re-reading or finding a new love note from my Doug
- eating his wonderfully-prepared foods (especially the homemade chicken soup today)
- enjoying all three of my grown, wonderfully unique and busy kids together in one place
- seeing them lovingly interact with their own kids, spouses/fiance
- sensing the tangible presence of the Divine as I go about my day
- riding in the car looking at fun things with the sun roof open and Maya in the back seat
- celebrating my daddy’s 90th and my mom’s 85th birthdays this year with them in Borger
- honing in on just the right words to bring clarity to our P.E.O. newsletter, my blog, or notes to loved ones
- going to Girls’ Night Out in Denton with long-time and well-loved girlfriends
- hearing just the right message at the right time from Rev. Paul John Roach at Unity Church of FW
- a chatty catch-up phone call from forever friends Dr. Jack and Rev. Celeste in Rhode Island
- a road trip with Doug (yes, we actually enjoy them together)
- hearing a story of how a P.E.O. scholarship has changed a woman’s life (and our world) for the better
- the ding from my text notifications when my four sisters “get going” with messages
- newsy (and humorous to offset challenges) Christmas newsletters (thank you especially, Bill and Betty!)
- singing with the wonderful Unity Singers under the direction of Larissa accompanied by Cricket
- a cup of good black tea with a great book
- discovering a piece of art that Doug and I both like
- sweet notes from my in-laws
- delighting in the wonderful pictures that Abby, Maloreigh, Sailor and Will craft for us to display
- sitting prayerfully at my meditation space in quiet moments
- hearing from old friends/neighbors in Fond du Lac, WI and Pierre, SD
- seeing former DISD nursing colleagues excel in new positions, celebrating others’ retirements, and finding exciting energy in the “newbies”
- joining up with other school nurse administrators for lunch to appreciate the fabulously intelligent and multi-faceted women that they are
- spending time with deep-heart friends who have ALWAYS BEEN THERE FOR ME (you know who you are!)
- shopping (ok, maybe superficial, but so much fun!)
Enough… I have so many others that have joyfully darted across my memory… I will savor them for later.
Blessings to all of you, mentioned and not, who have enhanced my life this year. much love, happy 2018!