I love words!! There are so many wonderful words for God, for example: Creator, Source, Spirit, Now, Omnipresence, Omniscience, Omnipotence, Holy, Perfection, Love, Peace, Joy Abundance, Substance, First Cause
Making acrostics with words, especially lovely, sacred words, is something fun for me to do
Here are a few of my most recent favorites: I’ve told my children for years that Life is all about BALANCE
Being in Alignment with Life’s Affirmative Numinous Creative Energy
God is LIGHT Loving Infinitely, Guiding in Holy Truth and … Living In God’s in Holy Truth
GRACEFUL Growing in the Realization and Appreciation of our Creator’s Eternal Flow of Unconditional Love
BLESSING Bountiful Love Expressed as Sacred Service In the Name of God
Words can create help or havoc, they can be used to bless, build and heal or to demean, hurt, and diminish. The old adage “stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” might sound good, but it is untrue. Here is a more accurate reflectio n:
Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words try to damage my sprit. I know I’m better than that meanness, so from my heart I clear it.